Friday, May 14, 2010

Riding with Rich, Jason, and Allan

For the past two days, Rich Kearns and I have been trying to get together to shoot him doing a dead body flip. I've never seen one and I know they look sick right side up.

Once I was done shooting at Todd Potter's compound, I cruised over to Jason Springfield's house pad to kick it until it was time to go to the spot to ride.

Avatar was on and we watched that till the boys got there. We chatted for a little and then it was time to go. I hopped in Rich's beast of a truck and we headed out.

We traveled down the 79 and got into the Aguanga hills where the FMX course was located. Rich and the guys started to water and prep the course. Once it was ready, they geared up and started to ride.

After a long session, Chris Tedesco showed up to get some shots of Kearns throwing down. It was a pretty rad day andI got some killer shots.


Rich Kearn's new Kawasaki 450. Fresh.
Kearns with a sick Cordova flip

Jason Springfield with style and extension

There were some horses in the property next to the FMX compound. They're totally friendly and came right up to me.

I've never seen a horse with blue eyes before. He was rad.

Jason looking over on a flat whip. I'm always stoked to see if I can catch the riders looking over at the camera. I only like to see it in the air, because in a corner the rider needs to be looking forward! Not at the camera.
Allan Vancamp

Kearns with an Indy flip.
Extended cordova flip.
One of the best Dead Body flips he did that day
Got extension?
Chris Tedesco showing Kearns the shot.
Pumped on the shots, Kearns went back out and tried throwing the tricks even bigger.
The boys checking out the shot Tedesco got.

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