Thursday, April 8, 2010

Paradise Round 2

Here's a set of photos from a quick riding session out at Mike Metzger's Paradise Ranch.

Metzger getting ready to gear up.

Mike's son watches as his father flies through the air with an extended double grab.

Brody Wilson makes it look easy with his super extended tricks.

A classic flat whip from the Godfather of Freestyle.

Nick Dunne holds it down at the MOB Syndicate compound.

I always try to encompass different elements when doing shoots. When I can capture the moon in the shot, it makes it even better. Mike Metzger throws down a backflip nac.

Julian Dusseau said he wasn't feeling comfortable at all during the riding session, but one could never tell with style like his.

Up and coming FMX rider Anthony Murray from Colorado goes big in the green surroundings of paradise Ranch.

Mike having some fun.

The MOB Syndicate is a new team compared to the Metal Mulisha, bit it wont be that way for long. With some amazing talent and the Godfather as the leader, MOB will be at the top in no time.

Below are some photos of a few members of MOB Syndicate.

Julian Dusseau

Nick Dunne

Brody Wilson

When the day was almost over, Metzgers son was riding around on his pro scooter when he crashed and scrapped up his elbow. Most kids would have cried and cried to get attention, mike's son got up, showed everyone his elbow and smiled.

If he's anything like his father, he's going to be one bad ass little dude.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Metzger's Paradise Ranch

Check out some photos from Mike Metzger's Paradise Ranch. The MOB syndicate was on hand to session the riding spot while Beau Manley was filming for the next Episode of the "Manley Show"

The Bikes of the MOB syndicate

With the recent winter season and the rain that came with it, the southern California hills are covered in green.

Cliff Talley getting the shot

I've never shot Matt Buy10 riding, but it was rad to shoot a different style of riding.

I'd have to say Metzger still has it...

Steez for days...

Now that's a view. I need to get a go Pro HD and mount it. I'd like to see his perspective from up there.

The MOB Syndicate

Metzger leading a train jump and getting flat

ESPN Action filming for the Manley Show.
